Wait! Is That Really Me?


We asked Miss Heather about her day in the studio with us. Here is a funny and enlightening story about a woman who was brave, took the leap and is elated she did.


Why did you book your boudoir session?

I booked my boudoir session as I’ve lost an extreme amount of weight and everyone was telling me how great I looked. But when I looked in the mirror, I still saw just a fat woman. I guess I felt like it was time to try and see what my husband and my friends could see. Time to pick my self-esteem back up off the floor and stop hiding behind baggy clothes.


How did you feel driving to the studio?

Driving to the studio I was lucky. I had my beautiful and confident friend with me, Kelly. Honestly, if she hadn’t been going with me, I’m pretty sure I would have chickened out!


How did you feel about having your makeup done?

But when I got my makeup done and looked in the mirror, I thought “who the hell is that?” I didn’t look like me at all. I felt like some movie star. Now I was really starting to get nervous because I knew you were going to take my picture soon, and I wouldn’t be able to hide behind my faithful old baggy shirts. (Thank goodness for music and a glass or 3 of bubbles!)


How did you feel during your session? (When you saw your images on the back of my camera)

The 1st hour was kind of a blur of trying to get over my absolute fear of having my picture taken by someone who is telling me how great I look. It’s a really hard thing to hear and believe when you’ve spent your whole entire adult life believing you are not enough. Here’s this photographer telling me how to pose, try and look natural, and for God's sake woman, SMILE. This is supposed to be fun. Seriously, the fun you say?? I was soo nervous. I felt sooo unco.

Then you showed me a pic on your camera of me in my knickers, a white shirt and a pair of heels… and I thought OMFG!!, is that really me? Is that what I look like? I think that was my ‘moment’ when I started to have fun. And I honestly did! From tripping over my own feet in your studio to galivanting around your gorgeous bush property in lingerie trying to make the most uncomfortable pose look sexy. (try straddling a huge rock in a G-string all while smiling as if it’s the most comfortable seat, or laying on a log all sexy-like, then rolling off the other side) I had an absolute ball that day. By the end, I was confidently walking around in my lingerie without worrying if I had a muffin top, or was my bum was wobbling when I walked. I actually felt like a normal woman.


Tell us a little bit about your experience

What did you think of your images at your viewing session?

So, as life is crazy these days, I couldn’t go back up to the studio to view my photos (covid). There just weren’t enough hours in a day. So, we Zoomed. Another 1st for me. I’m the least tech-savvy person, but Lara helped me with that too. (gotta love this woman!)

Armed with a glass of wine, there I sat looking at these photos of myself. In lingerie! I couldn’t believe what I saw. There was me…and I looked…good, no wait, I looked amazing! How can these pics be me?! This certainly isn’t what I see in the mirror. Pic after pic. Some of them were hilarious. A pose went wrong, or a wardrobe slip. But then there were the stunning ones. Of me. Who knew I could look like that! I loved how I got to see all the photos you took, and they hadn’t been photoshopped. These were me, just me.

So, picking out photos I liked best was tricky. You are such an incredible photographer. I wish I could have had them all! You were so patient with me as I picked out the bits, I wanted to be edited. Scars, a crooked smile, a weird cleavage. But you sent me my pics a couple of weeks later and they were just perfect!


What do you tell other women about your boudoir shoot?

If there are any women out there who are thinking of doing a boudoir shoot with Lara, my advice is to stop thinking and book it. It was one of the best days I’ve had in 20 years. And I can finally look in the mirror and be proud x


A few weeks after your shoot - how are you feeling about yourself? Has your self-confidence and self-love risen? 

My husband has always loved me no matter what, but even he said the pics were stunning! I got brave one night and posted one of my pics on Facebook. The response was overwhelming! I certainly felt the love ;)


Ms. Heather, thank you for sharing your story with us and for allowing us to share your gorgeous images with other people, so they too may be inspired and believe in themselves enough to have the same magical empowering experience in our studio.


Love and Smiles

Lara Jane xox


P.S: Are you on FB? Join our FB VIP group now


P.S: Thinking about booking your own shoot, but still not quite sure? Drop Lara Jane an email or text message and let’s chat, I love collaborating ideas and answering any questions that come my way: hello@australianboudoir.com.au or text 0433 165 272


Let’s go beautiful!

You deserve it.

You can be an angel or you can be a badass… or both

Book your experience today


Lara Churton-Hughes